
The DJ Sessions


Dying Mothers Heartfelt Message to Abducted Daughter: You Are Deeply Loved

Mix 247 EDM | November 30, 2023

Title: Mother diagnosed with stage four brain cancer pleads for return of abducted daughter amid deteriorating health

Subtitle: Liora Argamani seeks President Biden’s help, as Noa’s release remains uncertain

In a heartbreaking plea, Liora Argamani, a mother battling stage four brain cancer, is desperately seeking the safe return of her daughter, Noa, who was abducted by Hamas terrorists on October 7. Liora has called on President Biden and the Red Cross to intervene and help bring her daughter back.

Noa, a 26-year-old, was taken from the Supernova music festival and was filmed begging for her life on the back of a motorcycle. The distressing footage has left the family and their supporters deeply concerned about her safety.

Liora, in a video statement, expressed her profound desire to see her daughter before her condition worsens. As her health continues to deteriorate, the urgency for Noa’s release becomes even more pressing.

Despite the release of 81 hostages in Gaza, Noa’s return remains uncertain, leaving her family distraught and anxious for any news of her well-being. They have only received a single photo, showing Noa drinking water in what appears to be Gaza.

Unfortunately, Liora’s own health condition is rapidly worsening, and her husband, Yakov, has disclosed that doctors have given a poor prognosis. The emotional strain of their daughter’s abduction has only added to their difficulties.

To offer support and raise awareness, friends and family have gathered together, rallying around the family during this challenging time. In honor of Noa and her boyfriend Avi Natan, who was also abducted, a heartfelt song has been composed, serving as a reminder of their love and the hope for their safe return.

As the days pass, the family, clinging to hope, is anxiously waiting for any news of Noa’s release. Their desperation is shared by the entire community, who have rallied together to bring attention to Noa’s plight.

Liora’s plea to President Biden and the Red Cross serves as a powerful reminder that the international community must act swiftly to ensure Noa’s safe return. As her health continues to decline, time is of the essence, and the collective efforts of all involved are needed to bring Noa back home to her family, where she belongs.

The post Dying Mothers Heartfelt Message to Abducted Daughter: You Are Deeply Loved appeared first on Mix 247 EDM.

Written by Mix 247 EDM


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