
The DJ Sessions


Beneath the Surface: Chenza

Turtle Tempo | February 10, 2024

Welcome, welcome, one and all to another delightful Beneath the Surface session! Today we are joined by the vocal powerhouse that is Chenza, off the back of her new album, ‘If That Ain’t Love’. We chat all things music and find out more about her musical journey so far, so get comfy and let’s get to it!

What would you say first sparked your interest in music/who inspired you to make music?

I grew up in a musical family and watched both my parents perform since they were both professional singers. My grandmother was a gifted composer as well. I fell in love with music on my own though, and my music taste is quite different from my parents. I think I was first inspired by Miley Cyrus when she played Hannah Montana. When I sang on stage for the first time when I was four years old, I knew that was what I wanted to do. 

How would you describe the music you are currently creating?

Rock and roll, country, and blues have been genres I’ve been combining lately in the music I’ve been working on. I’ve been incorporating those nostalgic elements from the 60s, 70s and 80s. 

What does your creative process look like?

When I come up with a song, I’m usually playing some chords on the guitar and write lyrics as I go. Sometimes I would finish it in an hour and I record the demo the same day. 

Who would you most like to collaborate with? (let’s send it out to the universe and make it happen!)

There are so many, but I would love to work with Mark Ronson. He’s made some amazing stuff and making a record with him would be magical. Jack White is another one on my list as well.

What is the one message you would like to send out to your fans?

Always go with what you’re passionate about. You can never go wrong with being authentic. I’m grateful for those who have seen me grow and supported me since the beginning of it all.

What’s your top tip to rejuvenate your creativity/get over a writer’s block?

Get the pressure off myself by taking a break. Inspiration can strike anytime and anywhere, so I sometimes have to silence the outside noise and expectations so I can really go deep into what I truly want to make. Giving myself time to discover something new and whatever I come across or experience can inspire me. I can’t really sit down and say ‘I’m gonna make something.’ It has to just happen when it sparks me.

What’s next for you, what do we have to look forward to/ what are you currently working on?

I’m already gathering new songs for my next record and it’s the music I feel really good about. I have other projects involving Elvis in the works that I can’t really say at the moment, but they will be announced very soon.

Keep up with Chenza:

Written by Turtle Tempo


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